The Pentecostal World Conference (PWC) is a triennial celebration that gathers the global Pentecostal family together. The first conference for Pentecostal leaders was organized in 1947 in Zürich. The upcoming Go & Make! Conference scheduled to be held in Finland at the Helsinki Ice Hall from June 4th to 7th, 2025, marks the 27th Pentecostal World Conference. About 8000 participants from all over the world are expected to attend to Go & Make! Conference.

The Pentecostal World Conference is intended for Pentecostal and Spirit-filled leaders as well as laypeople from around the world. It is a conference designed to inspire, ignite passion, create connections, and equip attendees.

The central theme of the Go & Make! Conference is the fulfillment of missionary work in our time using contemporary methods. In addition to going, the focus is on discipleship. We hope, that participants will return from the conference strengthened, applying new methods, and carrying a renewed vision for mission work.

The Pentecostal World Conference cooperates with The Send movement

The conference consists of two parts. The “Go & Make!” Conference will be held during the first three days, while on the fourth day, June 7th, the Ice Hall will host The Send event primarily for youth and young adults.

The Send is both a global movement and a national campaign whose mission is to send young people and young adults to live out the Great Commission. The cooperation is based on a shared vision of spreading the gospel, the importance of missionary work and involving the young generation. This all happens in close collaboration with local churches.

The conference language is English, with interpretation services available in Finnish, Swedish, German, and Spanish.